About Us
We Specialize in pop culture memorabilia, primarily sweet vintage vinyl and curated new releases, hardbacks/paperbacks, orignal movie posters and so much more! You can find our neat vintage items on our Facebook page, Ebay, Discogs, Etsy, Amazon as well as some merchandise in our booth inside Dolly Python, Dallas #1 Vintage Clothing Store. But this ain't our first rodeo....
In 1972 a friend gifted Guy Steele with some rare movie posters. The impressionable young boy instantly fell in love with film and vintage pop culture, and hasn’t looked back since. In 1975 he managed a General Cinema theatre. A year later he started a mail order business, peddling movie posters to kindred spirits. In 1977, he opened The Movie Collection, his first retail store in Dallas, TX.
In 1982, Guy managed the Village Theatre in Highland Park, and helped bring Rocky Horror Live to Dallas. He created the first movie event that sold tickets through Rainbow Ticket Master; a screening of Indiana Jones and theTemple of Doom in 70mm.
Another Dallas retail store, Stage & Screen, opened it’s doors in 1985. Voted ‘best place to geek out’ by the Dallas Observer, it enjoyed a loyal following of local film buffs in addition to attracting a who’s who of artists and other creative types world wide. In addition to owning Stage& Screen, Guy Steele served as a film critic for several Texas publications from 1986-89.
In 2001 Guy closed Stage & Screen to focus on family for a while. But his passion for ‘saving the lost souls of pop culture’ never waned. In 2010 he established Vintage Salvation. Local antique shoppers can peruse our Vintage Record booth inside Dolly Python. Plus shoppers worldwide can quench their nostalgia cravings via our EBay, Discog, Etsy, and Amazon stores plus here on our shop page. Find your culture.