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OUr 1st LIve NetRadio Broadcast!

guy steele

Well... It happened! This past Monday Jan. 22 we lauched our Net Radio show: Vintage Salvation's Revival Hour on The Fishbowl Radio Network aka  we broadcast from the Blue Bowl/Stream... The show will feature news, music, opnions and interviews with cool guests all in an attempt to stimulate, entertain and yes promote... Our 1st few shows will be experiements it was and doesn't work and as you can hear in our 1st broadcast mistakes as in Technical snafus... why did those snafus occur: cause we are playing music ON VINYL!  Vintage Vinyl!  and plugging in our record player into a system that uses MP3s proved a tad daunting... but the results are/will be cool... here is the link for our 1st show... we welcome any and all opinons... Thank You!

New vinyl, vintage books, mags, and comics coming your way!

guy steele

We are kicking off the summer with some great vintage finds! We have classic vinyls ranging from hair metal to doo-wop and everywhere in between.  You'll also see many more selections in vintage books, pop culture collectibles as well as collector's comics and vintage magazines! Be sure to shop with us as we beat the summer heat and give you a larger and "sizzling" collection on our very own online store as well as Amazon and Ebay.  Also, check us out on Instagram to see what's new in our inventory and to share the love!

Until next time, vintage lovers!

It's Finally About to Happen! Our New Site! Our New Launch! Our New Blog... Heck Our New Private Store!

guy steele

Hey all Lovers of All Things Vintage... We at Vintage Salvation have been hard at work to bring you this kinda exciting new website of ours.  In the following days we will be opening up our 'Store' page bringing you a few exclusive items for sale for a limited time.  These items will not be listed on our eBay, Etsy or Amazon store sites.  These hand selected, culled items from our collection will only be made available to fans of our website.  We will post notices on Facebook, so be sure and Like Our Facebook Page:

Thank You and look for more fun ideas, tips and things of the popculture Vintage type coming to this blog.