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Filtering by Tag: record dealer

OUr 1st LIve NetRadio Broadcast!

guy steele

Well... It happened! This past Monday Jan. 22 we lauched our Net Radio show: Vintage Salvation's Revival Hour on The Fishbowl Radio Network aka  we broadcast from the Blue Bowl/Stream... The show will feature news, music, opnions and interviews with cool guests all in an attempt to stimulate, entertain and yes promote... Our 1st few shows will be experiements it was and doesn't work and as you can hear in our 1st broadcast mistakes as in Technical snafus... why did those snafus occur: cause we are playing music ON VINYL!  Vintage Vinyl!  and plugging in our record player into a system that uses MP3s proved a tad daunting... but the results are/will be cool... here is the link for our 1st show... we welcome any and all opinons... Thank You!